Digital Twin Scan
Price: $0.07/sqft*
Offer full 3D tours of your home, listing, business, venue or construction site. With our digital twin services, you will be able to explore a full 3D digital space. Tag locations you want your clients or contractors to notice, provide a quick floorplan for a takeoff of a remodel space or create a digital twin before drywall to ensure you know where key utility connections are. We are here to make your digital twin capture a fast and painless process.
See an example here.
Questions? See our FAQ here.
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Project File Hosting
Price: Free
We host your digital twin so you don’t have to worry about how you are going to share it. You have 120 days of free hosting with us from the day it is uploaded and available to you for viewing. You can extend this hosting service for $15 per 90 day period. If you would like a stand-alone version of the file, please inquire about pricing. Stand-alone versions can be provided in .OBJ, .xyz, .e57, .dwg, .rvt, and .skx file formats.
*Work orders under 750sqft are subject to a $50 fee
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